On September 22, the company representatives made the traffic law compliance pledges at the road safety campaign launching ceremony organized by Police Department of Duc Co District in Gia Lai Province.


The ceremony had the participation of nearly 30 businesses specializing in transportation services, mining or warehouses in Duc Co district. According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Quang, Deputy Head of Duc Co District Police Department, the district is opening traffic safety programs, in which it will focus on educating and working the Gia Lai Traffic Police Department to regulate traffic and enforce traffic laws, mobilize forces, vehicles, and technical equipment to handle violations on the national highway crossing the district.


Regularly transporting goods through Le Thanh Border Checkpoint and main roads in Duc Co district, THILOGI Trucking Company has been following the laws, educating and training safe driving for employees to eliminate violations or worse, accidents.


At the ceremony, THILOGI representatives signed law compliance pledges, such as avoiding oversized or overloaded goods, alcohol, beer or other toxics when driving, no vehicle trunk expansions, follow lawful parking codes, and speed regulations. The company also pledged to open regular training to raise awareness, improve codes of conduct during driving for the driving team.