Welcoming the big national holidays - April 30 (Vietnam's reunification day) and May 1, Thiso Mall Sala offers a series of interesting programs for customers. As an "all-in-one" location in the eastern side of the city, the mall offers a variety of shopping, entertainment and culinary experiences, promising to be a destination worth visiting on the occasion.

During the holidays, the program "Happy shopping, thousands of gifts" takes place from April 27 to May 7. Customers will receive a Beso wallet for bills from VND500,000 (bills from 2 stores) and a bag combo with bills from VND1,500,000.


In addition, members (registering before April 27) will immediately receive a Beso bag-and-wallet combo for combined bill from VND500,000. New members (from April 27 to May 7) will receive the combo for bills from VND1,000,000.


Besides, with only 3 simple steps, i.e. taking a photo at Thiso Mall Sala decorated area, liking its Facebook page and share the post of "Check-in now - Gifts will follow" program, customers will immediately receive a free printed photo with frames (members will receive 3 more sets of Beso stickers) from April 29 to May 2. 

In particular, from 8pm to 9:30pm on April 29 at Thiso Mall Sala, a musical show called The Color of Music is on, with the participation of singer Noo Phuoc Thinh, Black Band ... and many other famous performers.


For details, please follow Thiso Mall Sala Facebook page at: