On September 18, at Phan Huy Ich Primary School in HCM City, Thiso Retail, under THISO, the THACO's commercial Sub-holding donated 6,500 helmets to pupils at 5 primary schools in Go Vap and Tan Binh districts.


Seeking to provide the children with high-quality helmets to protect their safety, Thiso Retail presented 6,500 helmets to students at Phan Huy Ich School in Tan Binh district, Chi Lang, Lam Son, Le Thi Hong Gam, and Le Van Tho schools in Go Vap district.


Donating helmets to school pupils is a key activity in Thiso Retail's annual community campaign which looks to educate and raise their awareness about traffic safety.


At the event, the kids were instructed on how to wear helmets properly as well as traffic safety regulations. The helmets have bright colors, light plastic, suitable for children. On both sides, there is the traffic safety slogan, which reads "A helmet for your child, a parent's loving gift" to advocate for the Standard Helmets for Children program nationwide. The slogan also sends a message to the parents that giving children high-quality helmets not only shows their love but also fulfills their responsibility for the future generation of the country.


“By giving the standard helmets to the elementary school students, Emart hopes the helmets will be their useful companion, protecting their safety and parent's peace of mind," said Mr. Le Huu Tinh, a Senior Marketing Manager at Thiso Retail.

Giving away helmets is a regular activity at Thiso Retail for many years. Previously, Thiso Retail - Emart and the National Traffic Safety Committee had signed agreements to co-host traffic safety programs for children, namely Helmets for Children Propaganda during 2015-2020, donating 50,000 standard helmets to elementary school students in Ho Chi Minh City.