On December 30, a shipment of nearly 15,000 tons of bauxite ore from Thanh Phat Company was exported to China through Chu Lai Port on the HUA YUN 8, a Panamanian vessel. In December, the port facilitated a total of nearly 33,000 tons of bauxite exports, a remarkable 165% increase compared to November. The port anticipates a steady monthly export volume of approximately 30,000 tons of bauxite from various businesses.

Nearly 33,000 tons of bauxite are exported through Chu Lai Port in December 2023

To handle the expected influx of mineral resources from Laos, Chu Lai Port has equipped over 200 trucks, tractors, excavators, specialized handling equipment. The port has also invested in a dedicated warehouse system to meet storage requirements, product quality, and minimize environmental impacts.

Containers with bottom discharge are used to enable quicker and more convenient cargo handling

In December, approximately 20 shipments of iron ore from Canh Quang Gia Lai Company were transported from Attapeu (Laos) to Chu Lai Port via the Bo Y border gate in Kon Tum. This event marks the second mineral product, after bauxite that the port is actively promoting. According to the plan, the company is expected to export around 17,000 tons of iron ore.

With a full-package service and appropriate after-sales policies, along with optimized cargo handling plans 24/7, Chu Lai Port is attracting various sources of cargo such as minerals (iron ore, bauxite), agricultural products (tapioca starch, sliced tapioca), and forestry products (paper raw materials) from countries within the East-West economic corridor. To enhance service quality and capacity, the port is accelerating the completion of the 50,000-ton terminal with STS and RTG crane systems, expanding storage facilities to meet storage needs, and investing in modern equipment, paving the way to become an international cargo transshipment gateway and contribute to the socio-economic development of the local and neighboring areas.