Mr. Tran Nhat Quang, lauded for his dedication to youth development, received the prestigious "For the Young Generation" medal at the 2023 Dong Nai Youth Union Review Conference. A former Secretary of the THACO Youth Union and current Deputy Director of Administration at THACO Chu Lai, his contributions to educating and empowering young people, as well as strengthening the Youth Union, earned him this high honor from the Central Youth Union.

Since joining THACO Chu Lai in 2011, he's embraced an active role in cultural, artistic, sports, and volunteer initiatives, while his technical improvement idea garnered acclaim from engineers and workers across the factories.

Mr. Tran Nhat Quang, former Secretary of THACO Youth Union (third from the right) receives the "For the Young Generation" medal.

Over the past 10 years, the former Secretary of THACO Youth Union has implemented many Youth Union campaigns such as: "For the homeland's islands and seas"; "For our beloved Truong Sa" or taking care of Vietnamese heroic mothers in Quang Nam province. He also coordinated with Quang Nam unions and Border Guard Command to bring care to communities through the programs "Warm Spring at Border", "Border Spring warms the hearts of villagers" , “Border in my heart”, alongside programs "Light up the countryside", "Clean water for students"; or "Support for Fishermen" that bring positive change and care to those in difficult circumstances.

Mr. Tran Nhat Quang presented 2 Icom machines and 10 medicine cabinets in the program "Support for Fishermen" in Quang Nam province

During the peak of the 2019 Covid-19 crisis, he demonstrably led the Youth Union's pandemic response through initiatives like employee vaccinations, medical supplies donations, and educational leaflets. Furthermore, he spearheaded promotional campaigns for contact tracing apps like N.Covi and Bluzone, and organized pandemic control checkpoints at THACO Chu Lai Industrial Park, solidifying the commitment to the community's health and safety.

Receiving the prestigious "For the Young Generation" medal, Mr. Tran Nhat Quang's decade of passionate service to the young people of Vietnam reached its pinnacle. This highest honor awarded by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has recognized his exemplary contributions in educating, empowering, and fostering the next generation, helping to solidify the nation's future.